Spotify Add On Apps

1 - First step is to install the TA as normal from splunkbase to your instance.
2 - Go to and setup your account for personal developer access.
3 - Create a new client id with a memorable name for you.
4 - You should now have a client id and secret. You now need to go to edit settings and enter the following as a redirect url
5 - Next is to enter to enter the following URL into your web browser and replace <<CLIENTID>> with your client id.
6 - Once complete, you should be able to hit go<<CLIENTID>>&response_type=code&scope=user-read-currently-playing&redirect_uri=
7 - If successful you will be redirected to our website ( and be supplied with a one-shot access code within the url.
8 - Copy the code and enter it into the TA input, along with your key and secret.
9 - For the search head app (COMING SOON) to be fully functional, its advised that you enable both audio features and audio analysis inputs too.

To add friends on Spotify, first, open Spotify on your mobile phone or computer. Then, click on the search bar near the top of the screen and enter your friend's name. If they do not appear immediately, click on 'See all profiles' to scroll through more options. To add a Spotify Play button or Follow to a Wix website: In your Wix website. Click the Edit button. Click the Add (+) icon. Double-click on the grey placeholder. The HTML Settings window opens. From the Mode dropdown, select HTML code. Paste the code from the Follow Button or Spotify Embed generator into the HTML.

Spotify Add On Apps

There are 5 sourcetypes ingested. These are:
- spotify:music:playing
- spotify:music:artist
- spotify:music:audio:analsis
- spotify:music:audio:features

Linkage is typically from spotify:music:playing using to the appropriate fields within the audio sourcetypes.

Audio analysis showing loudness vs tatum, beat and bar
sourcetype='spotify:music:audio:analysis' track_id=<<TRACKID type>> = 'tatum' OR type = 'bar' OR type='beat' | chart first(duration) as duration over start by type | append [ search sourcetype='spotify:music:audio:analysis' track_id=<<TRACKID>> type='segment' | chart first(loudness_start) as db by start]| sort 0 start

Audio feature analysis
index=main sourcetype='spotify:music:audio:features' id=3xdjjKMcMOFgo1eQrfbogM | table * | eval Acousticness = round(acousticness * 100) | eval Danceability = round(danceability * 100) | eval Liveness = round(liveness * 100) | eval Energy = round(energy * 100) | eval Speechiness = round(speechiness * 100) | eval Valence = round(valence * 100) | eval Instrumentalness = round(instrumentalness * 100) | eval temp = 'toremove' | table temp Acousticness Danceability Liveness Energy Speechiness Valence Instrumentalness | untable temp Measurement Current | fields - temp | append [search index=main sourcetype=spotify* sourcetype='spotify:music:audio:features' | table * | eval Acousticness = round(acousticness * 100) | eval Danceability = round(danceability * 100) | eval Liveness = round(liveness * 100) | eval Energy = round(energy * 100) | eval Speechiness = round(speechiness * 100) | eval Valence = round(valence * 100) | eval Instrumentalness = round(instrumentalness * 100) | table Acousticness Danceability Liveness Energy Speechiness Valence Instrumentalness | stats min(*) as Minimum_* avg(*) as Average_* max(*) as Maximum_* | untable Measurement field val | rex field=field '(?<field>[^_]+)_(?<Measurement>.+)' | xyseries Measurement field val]| stats first(*) as * by Measurement| table Measurement Current Minimum Average Maximum

Use the app to play music files stored on your device, which we call local files.

Note: Files or downloads from illegal sources are not permitted.

For: Premium

  1. On desktop, import your local files (with the 'Desktop' steps).
  2. Add the files to a new playlist.
  3. Log in on your mobile or tablet using the same WiFi as your desktop.
  4. Go to Settings > Local Files and switch on Local audio files.
    Note: You need to allow Spotify to find devices in the prompt that shows.
  5. Download the playlist with your local files.

Didn’t work?

Make sure:

  • You're logged in to the same account on both your desktop and mobile
  • Your devices are connected to the same WiFi network
  • The app is up-to-date on both devices
  • Your device is up-to-date
  • The Spotify app has access to your local network. Check in your iPhone/iPad settings under Spotify

For: Premium

  1. On desktop, import your local files (with the 'Desktop' steps).
  2. Add the files to a new playlist.
  3. Log in on your mobile or tablet using the same WiFi as your desktop.
  4. Download the playlist with your local files.

Didn’t work?

Make sure:

  • You're logged in to the same account on both your desktop and mobile
  • Your devices are connected to the same WiFi network
  • The app is up-to-date on both devices
  • Your device is up-to-date
  1. Click , then Settings.
  2. Scroll to Local Files and switch Show Local Files on.
  3. Switch off any sources you don't want.
  4. Click ADD A SOURCE to select another folder.

Music from that folder is now in Local Files in the menu on the left.

Supported file types

Add Spotify App To Desktop

Note: Some of your files may be protected in restricted formats. Install QuickTime on your computer to allow most of these tracks to be played on Spotify.

  • .mp3
  • .m4p (unless it contains video)
  • .mp4 (if QuickTime is installed on your computer)

The iTunes lossless format (M4A) isn't supported.

If your file isn’t supported, we do our best to match it with songs from the Spotify catalog. The version we match with might differ from the original.

Last updated: 24 September, 2020

Add Spotify To Desktop

Community Answers

Spotify Add On Apps Iphone

Play 'local files' on my mobile device

What's the easiest way to be able to play 'local files' that reside on my desktop device on my mobile? After bringing them in to the desktop Spotify client as a playlist I'm able to play them there, a...

How do you add Local Files to the Desktop app?

Answer:&nbsp;We have an extensive record collection, but if the track you’re after hasn’t found its way on to Spotify yet, don’t worry! You can add any personal music you have with a feature...

Can you upload your own music?

Yeah, I've tried to figure it out but I can't seem to find how I have to do it anywhere..

Spotify Add On

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