Spotify App Store Indonesia

© Provided by The Motley Fool Spotify, Match Join a Challenge to Apple's App Store Practices

Answer: If you're using an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or Apple TV device, you can indeed find and install or update Spotify through the App Store. However, if you're using a Mac device, you won't be able to find and install the app through the App Store. Instead, to get Spotify on your devi. Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Sejak pukul 6.00 pagi tadi, layanan streaming musik Spotify sudah bisa diperoleh di Indonesia melalui perangkat desktop dan mobile bersistem operasi Android dan iOS. Namun ada hal janggal yang terjadi di Apple App Store.

Apple(NASDAQ: AAPL) faces a growing storm over its App Store policies even as it battles Epic Games in court over the Fortnite game developer's end run around Apple's payment policies.

Spotify(NYSE: SPOT) and Match Group(NASDAQ: MTCH) are helping launch a coalition of app developers that will seek legal and regulatory challenges to the Apple app ecosystem, Reuters reported today.

One of the primary issues for the Coalition for App Fairness, as the group calls itself, is what it calls the '30% app tax,' the fee that Apple charges developers for most purchases made within its App Store.

Calling it 'highway robbery' and saying the fees account for a large portion of developer revenue, the group says it puts developers at a competitive disadvantage and raises costs for consumers. It quotes Steve Jobs as being unconcerned about the harm it would cause when he introduced the policy: 'Bottom line: We didn't have a policy and now we do, and there will be some roadkill because of it. I don't feel guilty.'

The coalition has a set of 10 principles, the first of which is that no developer should be forced to exclusively use an app store, or its payment systems, in order to access it. This mirrors the battle that Epic Games, which is also a coalition member, is mounting against Apple, and it is something that developers have chafed under for years.

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The group has enlisted the support of some high-profile tech companies whose apps appear in the App Store, but also includes smaller outfits including the developer Basecamp, the European Publishers Council, and the email encryption service ProtonMail.

The group says it will seek out change through the courts and with regulators to force Apple to open the App Store to competitive forces.

Rich Duprey has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Apple, Match Group, Inc., and Spotify Technology. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.


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© Provided by Business Insider Apple CEO Tim Cook. Karl Mondon/Digital First Media/The Mercury News via Getty Images Spotify App Store Indonesia
  • App developers including Spotify, Epic Games, and Match Group have banded together to create a non-profit called the Coalition for App Fairness.
  • The coalition is aimed at taking on Apple over its App Store policies, which member developers claim are anti-competitive.
  • Apple has been in a mounting war with various developers over the commission it takes on in-app purchases.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Apple's war with developers just escalated, with the powers behind Spotify, 'Fortnite,' and Tinder banding together to take on the iPhone maker.

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The non-profit Coalition for App Fairness was announced Thursday, and counts among its ranks developers such as Spotify, Epic Games, and Match Group.

On its website, the coalition accuses Apple of crushing competition and stifling innovation with its App Store policies — in particular its policy of taking a 15%-30% commission on in-app payments and digital subscriptions.

'This app tax cuts deeply into consumer purchasing power and stifles developer revenue. This is especially unfair when this tax is imposed on apps competing directly with similar apps sold by Apple. This puts businesses at a distinct competitive disadvantage and thus drives up the prices for consumers,' the coalition says on its website.

The coalition also alleges Apple restricts competition more broadly and 'steals ideas from competitors' while limiting consumer freedom by exerting tight controls on the App Store ecosystem.

Each of these developers has tangled with Apple individually over its in-app payment policy. Combining their powers may pressure Apple to make concessions, given the firm relies on popular third-party apps being available on the App Store.

Spotify filed an official complaint with the EU in 2019, alleging that as Apple had launched its own music-streaming service Apple Music this allowed it to artificially inflate prices while entering the market. This complaint resulted in the European Commission opening an antitrust investigation into the practice in June.

Match Group also released a statement in June criticizing the tax.

Epic Games has been embroiled in a legal dispute with Apple over the past month after it scrapped Apple's payment system inside the wildly popular 'Fortnite' and subsequently got booted off the App Store.

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Smaller developers including Protonmail's owner Proton Technologies and Basecamp — which got in a high-profile fight with Apple over its Hey subscription email app in June — have also joined the coalition.

A spokeswoman for the new coalition told The Wall Street Journal that the group was first convened last month, although she asserted this wasn't in response to the Epic Games lawsuit.

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'The gatekeeper platforms that operate these app stores must not abuse the control they enjoy and must adhere to oversight to ensure their behaviors promote a competitive market and provide consumers with equitable choice,' the coalition told The Journal.

An Apple spokesman did not immediately respond to request for comment when contacted by Business Insider.

Spotify App Store Indonesia Hari

In the past it has rebutted complaints from Spotify and Epic Games by saying they want to reap the benefits of the App Store's ecosystem without contributing financially.